Tag Archives: Oefening


Slaap-apnee is die term wat gebruik word wanneer mense tydens slaap ophou asemhaal. Dit gaan gepaard met uitgesproke gesnork.  Die pasiënt sal al harder begin snork totdat die asemhaling ophou, heeltemal stil lê vir ‘n tyd, en dan met ‘n harde gesnork weer begin asemhaal wanneer die asemhalingsentrum in die brein so suurstof-honger raak dat… Read More »

Osteoporosis controversy

Osteoporosis has many controversies. An informal global alliance of drug companies and sponsored advocacy groups portray and promote osteoporosis as a silent but deadly epidemic bringing misery to tens of millions of postmenopausal women. For other doctors and groups less entwined in the drug industry that promotion represents a classic case of disease mongering –… Read More »